Everybody sings, everybody dances, everybody runs.But why only few people so special in this field?. they also have a two hands, two legs,but how?.you have a lot of answer this question.self-confidence,deligence like that and etc. everyone works hard, however only a few people as historical heroes.
Deligence is equal to consistency
Why only few peoples succeed in the stability we have people who went to achieve,they stand with our passion and consistency.consistency is the most important important thing for people who think to achieve.this can be told through a fantastic story.
The frog enterd the house. Thinking it was milk,The yogurt fall in the mug.its difficult to swim because of the frog do not swim ,it will be drown and die.the frog was swam and swam and swam.little by little the yogurt began to thicken.butter lumps started coming out of fit.the frog climbed on the butter lumps and jumped out And escaped. The moral of the story in that
Perserverance wins. When we do a job over and over again we end up doing that job better than ordinary people.we will do that work fast.
Sustainability means that we remain unchanged in any difficult situation.who walks without deviating from their path will soon attain success.patience is the best way to do this.if we think about how hard it is we will definitely start to walk away from that path.
**All the best**